Kari Vick conveys the storytelling capability of Art. "I see stories everywhere. For me writing is visual; it articulates, evokes and paints the scene."


I love the immediacy of watercolor. No rough sketch, just the intuition of creativity. It seems as if the image emerges from the paper itself. I’m just along for the ride. My favorite quote: “Leap and let the net appear."


With my first intaglio print, I rediscovered my mother tongue. I'm awed by the etching medium, which marries integrity of line to rich tonal qualities. Although labor intense and technical, much of the process is blind. I might work on a plate for more than a week, but I won't know what I truly have until I pull the first print. 

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Story Collector

I do a lot of watching; being still and aware grants nature an invitation. I've laughed at the playful and been humbled by the profound. I search for these stories; the old, new and yet to be. 

Art is my sixth sense.


I feel it in whenever I am compelled to slow down, to listen to a sound that’s not really there. It draws me to the window to watch the antics of ravens. It makes me laugh at the sudden image of a moose in mukluks that pops into my head, like a gift. I could smile and go on about my day… or head to the studio.

Art is not a noun. It is an action. It comes through me. Of course, I do come to the page with intention, but I’ve found that if I just stay out of my own way, the creative spirit takes over. I’m as surprised by the outcome as anyone.


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