My creations are fluid and playful much like the elements that inspire them.
dearly beloved
Some folks just find their way into your heart, don't they? They are most welcome to remain in mine.
Raven Lunatic
To live among Ravens is to love them. Intelligent, opportunistic, curious tricksters. Ravens have given me many stories.
Myths, Lore & So Much More
Who hung the moon up there? Why is Raven black? Trolls, tricksters, and the shy Sock Goblin, stories old and new and yet to be.
Word Play
Language; be it prose or poetry, ancient or ageless, is what connects humanity.
Holiday & Celebration
I'm simply positive the Mukluk Moose and the Snowshoe Hare spend the holidays together. Friends are the family you choose.
The ABC's
Agate, Birch, Chickadee-dee-dee. Individual or combined, "The A-B-Sees: A Boreal Collection" letters spell nature from A to Z. "X" took a lot of research. Thank goodness for "Xanthophyll" the plant pigment that causes the color yellow in autumn leaves.
Lake Superior's horizon line. Sentinel cedar trees. Roots, crags, precipices, stones and bones. The splendid power and earthly marvels of nature; our mother from whom all blessings flow.
Custom Artwork
Maybe 'Brooke' wants a babbling brook for her name. Perhaps you have a favorite family photo. I love a good challenge. Let's talk!
Books Illustrations
“Flutter, Bye”
A flip style book, coloring book, and journal in one.
Written by Krista Betcher, illustrated by Kari Vick
Beaver’s Pond Press, 2020
Hardcover, 32 pgs | 11 color illustrations, 11 black & white illustrations (plus journal pages)
$19.95 (plus tax & shipping)
“It’s a new chapter in your life. Flutter, bye and flutter, hello.” The first page of Flutter, Bye invites readers to follow a diminutive Blue Azure butterfly on a journey. “Flutter, flutter, what’s through that window? Beyond that door? Or over that mountain?” A changed life story is through that window. Love without boundaries is beyond that door. Over that mountain? Inner strength. Gentle questions cheer us ever forward, pausing to treasure yesterday, with encouragement to the beyond. At the center of this book the reader is prompted to… FLIP! In reverse, the book morphs into a journal to personalize: My Flutter Bye. Images are now in black and white for coloring, each accompanied with a conversation starter. As they color the mountain, the page beckons: “My Inner Strength. Use this space to record moments when you felt strong.” Interspersed with blank pages, the reader has room to write… to draw… to spread their own, unique wings, and fly.
“Lead On!”
Written by Krista Betcher, illustrated by Kari Vick
Beaver’s Pond Press 2019
Hardcover, 32 pages, 16 color illustrations
“What kind of leader are you?” asks Lead On! Are you a visionary… someone who sees the big picture? Wonderful! Lead On! However, some people don’t like being out front in the traditional leadership role. Some Leaders lead from behind. Maybe you need to stand back and watch a bit before you see where you can help. Wonderful! Are you a kind, inclusive person? Well, that makes you the perfect leader for finding a place for everyone. Your own individuality makes you a unique leader. Leadership, stewardship, service. The middle school kids in this book model a myriad of leadership styles as they serve their community.
Who steals the missing socks? The Sock Goblin, of course!
He lives on the hot water pipe under the laundry room, and he never, ever takes a matching pair.
It’s easy pickings until the tall boy leaves for someplace called “college.” Is it going to be a threadbare winter, or does the arrival of a stranger promise better times to come?
“In the blink of an eye, you were gone.” In I Know You’re Here, Krista Betcher offers multiple responses to the timeless question,
“How Does my heart know you’re here?”
Take a moment to pause and remember your loved one as you immerse yourself in the meditative watercolors and gentle words found within these pages.
An everlasting message of hope after the loss of a loved one, I Know You’re Here will be a treasured sympathy gift for both children and adults who are experiencing their own grief journey.
Buy your very own copy signed by the artist of "Seven Ways to Trick a Troll"
Author: Lise Lunge Larsen
Illustrations by: Kari Vick
“To defeat a troll, you must draw on the very best of your humanity: you must have courage, patience, intelligence, kindness, the ability to work with others, and plenty of moxie. It also helps to know a troll’s weaknesses…
They hate loud noise.
Sunlight & reflected sunlight turn them to stone.
They are easily distracted.
They are heavy and clumsy.
They cannot swim.
And my personal favorite: they burst if they get too mad!
… and this is where this book comes in! Taken from a wide range of historical and international sources, Seven Ways to Trick a Troll will delight and entertain imaginations of all ages.