I am so excited about this new project. Working with my friend Sylvia Galbraith, who opened a new quilt shop across the street this year, two of my designs: “Family Tree” and my “A-BWCA-C’s” series, are now available as a special Limited Edition fabric! When I painted “Family Tree” a few years ago, I had it in my head that I wanted it to make it into something more, perhaps a growth chart. Somehow. And that was that. Just an idea until Sylvia came along. Now it can become anything!!!
“Family Tree” text reads “Have big dreams… you’ll grow into them.” The “A-BWCA-C’s” are full of the flora and fauna found here in the Boreal forest on the north shore of Lake Superior… from Antlers Amid Aspen to Zigzag Moths!
My Mother was always sewing and my family treasures the beautiful quilts she lovingly made for each of us. Being an artist, one might think that my own talent might lend itself to the fabric arts. Nope. I recall how my beloved and extraordinarily patient Grandmother (who was known for her Hardanger creations) tried to teach me to sew and knit. She finally patted my arm and gently said, “Maybe just stick to painting, Dear.” Bless her, she tried, but she was right. Seems that skill skipped a generation in my case.
A friend of mine is going to make the ABC pattern into a pillowcase… including a “Tooth Fairy Pocket.” I love that idea so much! Here are photos of the wall hanging I ordered from Sylvia. Notice in the close ups how the fabric was hand fed through the machine, along all of my pen lines, ultimately “quilting” every single detail… down to the tiny ladybugs! Mind blown. Sylvia’s charming quilt shop, “47 Degrees North” is on the second floor of the Clearview complex here in lovely downtown Lutsen. You can also visit her website www.47degreesnorthmn.com for fabric specs and ordering information. Send me pics of your creativity! Stitch on, ye quilters, stitch on!!!