Once upon a cranberry bog, I met a grouchy mouse. One dark and stormy night, an owl and I conversed. A shy baby bunny lives in my garden, where I plan to live happily ever after.
“Bear Neccessities” – I spent an afternoon with this neighborhood bruin one fine summer day. He took quite a fancy to our old apple tree by the greenhouse. He was the picture of health; tubby with a glistening, black coat. We let him eat his full. I found a couple organic apples from the co-op that were past their prime… in the not-so-crisper drawer of the fridge. He ate all the tree apples but snubbed the others. Locavore.
“Book Trout” – We are known as “The Book Trouts,” my bookie friends and I. What would a brook trout read? Pretty sure it would be a field guide to tasty insects.
“Chickadee Light” – I was sitting looking out of my kitchen window one snowy morning, delighted with the fresh snowfall. I love when my deck is buried and I need to get out the shovel! I had barely formed the thought, “What should I paint today?” (after shoveling) when two Chickadees fluttered down and began to hop on & about the Christmas lights I’d hung the day before. Message received!
“Good Lookin’” – When a canine holds their chilly paw like this, it melts my heart. The fox intrigues me. Intent, clever, at turns wary, then frisky. What can I say, I just like the guy.
“Peek a Blue” - I find mice adorable. IF it is me who sees them first, not the other way around. It’s not that I am afraid of them, they just have a way of sneaking up on a person that makes me jump. More often, I think it is probably more of a mutual startling. The ol’ “What in the heck are YOU doing here,” kind of moment.
Rather like when I forget that my husband, Jim, is home. Just by walking into the room, he can scare the bejeezas outta me. I’ll jump and say, “Don’t DO that!” He’ll look at me like I’m a lunatic, “I just wanted the scissors,” he’ll allege innocently, backing away. As if.
“Moose In Boots” – There is a saying among winter lovers; “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” A skier knows how to dress for frigid temps. One hates to miss a good ski just because of a negative number. Layers, baby, it’s all in the layers. How do all the woodland critters do it with just a thicker layer of fuzz?
I’d recommend mukluks to the shaggy moose. Not only would it improve hoof-traction on ice, but they are pretty stylin’. You can find them made out of wool, canvas, or leather. I’ve had a few pairs over the years, and prefer the latter. But if I could fashion a cloven pair for a shivering moose, I would have to choose otherwise. He’s vegan after all.
Yes, I’m a tough Minnesotan, but I can also be sensitive.
“Newbie” – I painted this from a photo my friend took of her newest neighbor. For years one particular doe has brought her newborn fawns to the sanctuary that is CJ’s yard, to make an introduction of sorts. After a doe gives birth, she must then find a safe place to leave little Newbie so that she can go off and feed to replenish her strength. Many a fawn has taken her first tenuous steps under CJ’s watchful eye. Mama’s know we need and can trust each other.
Camp Sight
The best part of camping is living outside for days on end. It’s a visit to a busy neighborhood deep in the woods. So much nightlife! Who knows who might stop by. Available as 8x10 Metal Print or special order a custom size Giclee on paper.
Foxy Ladies
Fox, Fireweed, Fiddlehead Ferns, Dragonflies. I wonder if they all know how lovely they are. Available as 5x7 Metal Print or custom order Giclee on Paper.
How Tweet It Is
Robin, Blue Jay, Downy Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Northern Flicker, Scarlet Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, White Throated Sparrow, Yellowthroat, Cedar Waxwing, Cardinal, Black Capped Chickadee, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, Marsh Wren, Red Winged Balckbird, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Tufted Titmouse, Indigo Bunting, Meadowlark. Available as 8x10 Metal print or special order a custom size Giclee print on paper.
Night Lights
I just know that Owls and Fireflies get along. Hangin’ out together under starry skies, imagine the conversations they must have. Available as 8x12 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
No One Otter Than You
… for me. I’m blessed to have my one and only. For nearly four decades I’ve been two more than one. Lucky us. Available as 4x4 or 8x8 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
Nouveau Loon Moon
The feathers of the Loon, I believe, were a great influence on the Art Nouveau movement. Think about it; long, sinuous elegance of line mimics the stylish bird’s ornamentation. Very chic indeed. Available as 8x10 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee print on paper.
Pond Life
White Tail Deer, Lily Pads, Milkweed, Pileated Woodpecker, Beaver, Moose, Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Loon, Painted Turtle, Trout, Mallard, Marsh Wren, Cat Tails, Snail, Dragonfly, Damselfly, Bog Cranberries, Mushroom, Crayfish, Skink, Minnows, Water Shrew, Pitcher Plant, Monarch butterfly, and Blue Flag Iris… my favorite flower. Available as 8x10 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
Praise Cheeses
My friend, Lori, is a brilliant baker, wine sommelier, and cheese monger from whom I’ve gathered much gastric wisdom. Our families have shared many a delectable evening together, my favorite being the “Praise Cheeses,” and “Come to Cheeses,” dinners. Favorite overheard comment from a member of the clergy: “I’m giving this one to the Bishop!” Available as 5x7 or 8x12 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
Pup Up!
Being an artist means sometimes an image simply pops into your head and insists on being. I wasn’t in the studio when this critter peeked into my brain. I dropped whatever I was doing and headed to my paints. Well, hello there! What can I say? This guy just insisted on being. I had to draw him to get him outta my head. Otters can create a lot of brain mischief. Available as 4x4 or 8x8 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
Sweet, but fierce… and all heart. Available as 4x4 or 8x8 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee on paper.
Snowshoe Hare
One day I hope to meet my little snowshoe hare. It will be on my favorite winter path that winds through the neighborhood. A light snow will be drifting down. I will come round the corner just past the cedars and she will be standing there in her wooly scarf and mittens. We’ll exchange a few pleasantries and ask after each other’s family, as neighbors do. Perhaps we’ll make a date for tea and scones. I’d like that. Available as 5x7 Metal Print or special order Giclee on paper.
Merry Me
There is no better way to pass a winter’s eve than with the ones you love. Available as 5x7 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee print.
Swamp Stompers
If my talented musician friend, who has many personalities on the guitar, were an otter… a triple portrait. Available as 4x4 or 8x8 Metal Print or custom order size Giclee print.
Family Tree
Every family tree is unique and grows with us. New members join along the way. Relations, beloveds, comrades from all paths. The only tasks: to bear witness to each other’s lives & to love one another no matter how we differ. As my dear friend, the late Roy Thomas taught, “Relative, not Race, because it’s not a competition.” Available as 12 x 36 Metal Print or special order a custom size Giclee print on paper. This image is also available as a limited edition fabric! Inquire for details.
Many Mammals
Cougar cub, Red Squirrel, Pine Martin, Skink, Vole, Racoon, Gray Squirrel, Moose calf, Timberwolf pup, Fawn, Lynx cub, Porcupine, Deer Mouse, River Otter, Short-tail Weasel, Muskrat, Rabbit, Bear cub, Red Fox, Jumping Mouse. Available as 8x10 Metal Print or special order a custom size Giclee on paper.
“Bleeding Heart Blues” Original Watercolor
This was the image I painted as the illustration design proposal for the book Flutter, Bye. I love the Blue Azure butterflies and this book was a wonderful excuse to study their complexity. In my childhood, my Mother always had a Bleeding Heart in the garden. She passed away in 2017. The next spring, an entire patch of Forget Me Nots appeared by the creek that runs along my garden. The miracle and solace of nature is ever healing.